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What is Osteopathy?Osteopathy is a system of diagnosis and treatment for a wide range of medical conditions. It works with the structure and function of the body and is based on the principle that the well-being of an individual depends on the skeleton, muscles, ligaments and connective tissues functioning smoothly together. To an Osteopath, for your body to work well, its structure must also work well. So osteopaths work to restore your body to a state of balance, where possible without the use of drugs or surgery. Osteopaths use touch, physical manipulation, stretching and massage to increase the mobility of joints, to relieve muscle tension, to enhance the blood and nerve supply to tissues, and to help your body’s own healing mechanisms. They may also provide advice on posture and exercise to aid recovery, promote health and prevent symptoms recurring. General Osteopathic Council (2021)
What is Sports Therapy?Sports Therapy is an aspect of healthcare that is specifically concerned with the prevention of injury and the rehabilitation of the patient back to optimum levels of functional, occupational and sports specific fitness, regardless of age and ability. It utilises the principles of sport and exercise science incorporating physiological and pathological processes to prepare the participant for training, competition and where applicable, work. Society of Sports Therapists (2021)
What is Sports massage?Sports massage is a form of massage involving the manipulation of soft tissue to benefit a person engaged in regular physical activity. Soft tissue is connective tissue that has not hardened into bone and cartilage; it includes skin, muscles, tendons, ligaments and fascia (a form of connective tissue that lines and ensheathes the other soft tissues). Sports massage is designed to assist in correcting problems and imbalances in soft tissue that are caused from repetitive and strenuous physical activity and trauma. The application of sports massage, prior to and after exercise, may enhance performance, aid recovery and prevent injury. Sports Therapy UK (2021)
What are Osteopathic techniques?Osteopathic techniques are probably not too different to any manual therapy techniques you may have had before. It is the reasoning why the specifc techniques are used that varies. some of the basic Osteopathic techniques inlcude: Articulation (Art): movement of joint to improve range of motion and stretch the local tissues Soft tissue manipulation (STM): a specific form of massage type technique used to reduce tissue tone and improve local fluid mechanics. Muscle energy techniques (MET): A form of stretching which can be applied in many ways to achieve various goals High velocity low ampltidue (HVLA) techniques: The 'clicks and cracks' these type of techniques are used to improve specific joint range of movement and affect the local tissues to reduce pain.
Do I have to have treatment?No, you are in control. Although BodyWise injury and rehab practitioners are trained to the highest standard you reserve the right to decline treatment or specific techniques. Your body, your rules. We will explain what we plan to do and why we think it will help then with your consent we can work to relieve your pain.
Do I have to be 'clicked and cracked'?No, you are in control. High velocity thrust (HVT) techniques are just one of the tools we can use, there are often other methods just ask us.
What should I wear?Loose fitting clothing is best. Often a vest/sports bra and shorts are best or leggings are acceptable. It is common for an osteopath to ask you to dress down to underwear during the appointment to allow us to see your posture, check for any swelling/bruising etc. Please wear suitable underwear for this reason. Towels are used for your modesty. After the initial observations and assessment we often advise you can redress areas that are not being treated.
Will treatment hurt?There is likely to be some discomfort during treatment, although this should not be excessive. Our practitioners will repeatedly ensure that you are happy with what is being done.
Do i need a referral from a healthcare provider?No. BodyWise is open to the public and offers private treatment.
What Covid-19 restrictions are in place?All hard surfaces within the clinic room are cleaned between appointments. Soft furnishings have been removed to a minimum. PPE is worn at all times during treatment, this includes gloves, apron, mask and should you wish we can wear visors. You will be collected from the reception area and guided to the clinic room. (this may change depeding on goverment and governing body guidelines, although should you wish to request PPE be worn we will happily oblige)
Is the clinic accessability friendly?Our clinic room is located on the first floor but don't worry there is an elevator inside the building should you need it.
Is there parking?There is a pay and display car park behind the Jubilee 2 building.
What else should i bring?Any medical documents e.g scan reports, medication lists, referral letters from a doctor or other practitioner. If you use any shoe inserts or joint supports please bring these also.
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